Part 4: Multi-Tile Displacement Mapping/Shader Assignment
Multi-Tile UV Mapping/Displacement Part 4 By Brian Freisinger June 9, 2012 (This tutorial is designed around Maya and Mudbox. Several of the concepts here can be transposed into other 3d software packages that have UV grid control) This is a continuation of the multi tile UV mapping tutorial. Click on the images to enlarge […]

Part 3: Multi-Tile Shader Setup/Rendering in Maya.
Part 3: Multi-Tile Shader Setup/Rendering in Maya. Brian Freisinger October 18, 2011 Update: June 10, 2012 – To skip directly to how to set up for displacement jump ahead to part 4 of this tutorial series. Also I’m no longer using the layered texture shader method and instead using the +/- Average node method as […]